Past Events

Learn more about our previous events below.

From Dreams to Action: A Conversatorio with Mayor Rey León

Mayor León, a UC Berkeley alum, and the community of Huron have met systemic inequality and infrastructural barriers, including access to healthcare for many, with creative solutions to address these challenges. We invited Mayor León to UC Berkeley for a conversation about the work he is doing in Huron, CA.

Walking Through History: Activism in Labor and Health

‘Walking Through History: Activism in Labor and Health’ was a reflection on past struggles for justice to inspire current and future generations of Latinx activists that will carry on this legacy of social activism. 

After It’s All Said: Readin Art As Confrontation with Denise Ferreira Da Silva

A recent event titled “After it’s All Said: Reading Art as Confrontation” allowed us to hear from New York University Professor Denise Ferreira Da Silva. They shed light on the radical interventions in Latin America and the Caribbean that reflect on past and current political events through the lens of refusal.